Hi @amy.blais,
Thank you for your feedback! The customer is interested in leveraging multiple subscription models in this example. In one instance, they would have GitLab’s premium package with all of its features. In the other instance, they want a cheaper package of features for a group the customer believes does not need all the premium features. Does this help? Thanks again.
OAuth single instance?
Unable to import Slack private channel's data into Mattermost
Hi @AB04,
We have a feature request ticket open here but it is not planned yet. I’ll forward the details about Slack’s corporate export to our team.
What bot do you recommend?
I’m investigating what bot platform to use for our Mattermost installation.
I’m checking mmpy_bot and Hubot, seems that Hubot will offer more from the beginning because it’s more popular, but custom integrations are made on coffescript, right? And I’m searching for a python flavor bot.
Do you think mmpy_bot is a good chance? Is an error to refuse Hubot? Are there better alternatves?
Thank you
Notifications Stuck
Also, are you on the beta app or the “official” app?
Broadcast channel?
Thank you for pointing this out. I’ve added a suggestion here: https://mattermost.uservoice.com/forums/306457-general/suggestions/36906574-allow-a-channel-to-broadcast-messages-to-several-t
Notifications Stuck
iOS 12.1.14
I am using the official app.
What bot do you recommend?
Hi @rubdottocom,
We have three bots on our official integrations page
- Our own Golang bot example
- Hubot, which is managed by a member of the Mattermost community
- mmpy_bot, which is a bot implemented in Python
If you’re not able to build Hubot due to dependencies issues, you could write the bot in Python since that has very few dependencies.
Mattermost as an external site in Nextcloud
Hi all,
I have already seen some integrations of Mattermost in Nextcloud as an “External Site” (so I guess using Iframe), but I’m not able to figure out how to do so.
So if you have a clear explanation of how I can handle :
1 - Iframe integration of Mattermost (to use it inside Nextcloud - I use apache and not nginx)
2 - Authentication using Nextcloud credentials
would be super nice !
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
Can please do a
less /lib/systemd/system/mattermost.service
and share the output?
And also can you do pwd in that folder where you do the steps from post 1?
Mattermost as an external site in Nextcloud
Just install the external site plugin from Nextcloud in you Nextcloud and define the url from your Mattermost Instance.
There is currently no authentication from Nextcloud to Mattermost possible.
Mattermost as an external site in Nextcloud
For 1 one has to note that if both Mattermost and Nextcloud share the domain embedding Mattermost with an iframe will work out of the box (but you will miss browser notifications since they generally do not work through an iframe).
What I mean with “share the domain” is Mattermost being available via your-server.domain.com/mattermost and Nextcloud being available via your-server.domain.com/nextcloud.
A way around the missing notifications would be https://github.com/Kopano-dev/mattermost-plugin-notifymatters which implements a post message api in Mattermost, but then afaik the “external site” plugin still needs to understand how to use this api.
In case Mattermost and Nextcloud are running on different (sub) domains you need to modify the csp through your vhost to make it possible to load Mattermost in an iframe from a different domain.
edit: for 2 your best choice is probably to find an external authentication source that works with both Nextcloud and Mattermost (like LDAP, or possibly Gitlabs Oauth)
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
I see no errors in the mattermost log.
Here is the content of less /lib/systemd/system/mattermost.service
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
Just to be sure. You are in /opt when you do the update steps?
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
Yes I am.
In fact, all my actions are done in /opt
cd /opt
systemctl stop mattermost
wget https://releases.mattermost.com/5.8.0/mattermost-team-5.8.0-linux-amd64.tar.gz
tar -x --transform=‘s,^[^/]+,\0-upgrade,’ -f mattermost*.gz
mv mattermost/plugins/ mattermost/plugins~
chown -hR mattermost:mattermost mattermost-upgrade
cp -an mattermost-upgrade/. mattermost/
rm -rf mattermost-upgrade/
systemctl start mattermost
List all Users via Mattermost CLI
Hi Mattermost community !
First of all we are using Mattermost for years now so thanks for the hard work put into this great Project !
Now onto my question. I don’t know if it exists but i need a list of all users on our Mattermost Server piped into a file.
I know there is a way to do it with the API but since i am not a Programmer myself i thought maybe there is an easier way to get a list with all active users.
To be honest i am astound that the mattermost CLI can’t do that allready since it can list almost everything else.
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
Can you do this command?
md5sum /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost
This is my md5hash for 5.8.0:
a0158993520893c65a3331c9335aea31 /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
Here is mine:
/root $ md5sum /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost
198ea30af87524496988147c36a62b76 /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost
and in the upgrade directory , it’s OK .
/opt/mattermost-upgrade/bin $ md5sum mattermost
891ac7c43a786fb719904a3158901725 mattermost
it seems that the “cp -an mattermost-upgrade/. mattermost/” does not work fine.
I will find why
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
If fact , th option “-n” is the mistake I thnik:
-n, --no-clobber
ne pas écraser un fichier existant (annule une précédente option
So it is not overwrite existing file …
Update from 5.3.0 to 5.7.0 doesn't work
I copy the binary mattermost file , anf now it s OK :
OAuth single instance?
Hi @jlvaleriano,
Some feedback from our community members:
GitLab supports LDAP authentication and Mattermost EE supports it as well. Suggestion: the customer could use one LDAP instance to configure access to Mattermost/GitLab instance(s).
One of our community members has two instances of Gitlab in their workplace. One that is only reachable from the intranet and one from the internet but both are used by the same users. They have worked around this by using LDAP login for both. But this also means that somebody has to set up an LDAP Server for authentication.
Does this help? You can see the full discussion on this thread.