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Server started but app not connecting and no logs


I have reinstalled my server, downloaded latest mattermost, restored old DB and Data folder. Mattermost started for some hours and stopped responding

I rebooted the server and it started again, but no log… next day it stopped working again. So now its a daily routine for me to come in office and check if it is running. Then i go to server and check mattermost port is busy.

I did curl localhost:8065 and got response We're having trouble connecting to Mattermost. If refreshing this page (Ctrl+R or Command+R) does not work, please verify that your computer is connected to the internet.

I do have to reboot my server inorder to make it work… any idea how can I debug this

Server started but app not connecting and no logs


I am on version 5.2 (latest one) I checked my configuration and loging was disabled. I have enabled it and now I can see the following…

$ sudo -u mattermost ./bin/mattermost 
2018-12-31T05:44:40.828Z        info    utils/i18n.go:78        Loaded system translations for 'en' from '/home/admin/mattermost/i18n/en.json'
2018-12-31T05:44:40.828Z        info    app/app.go:143  Server is initializing...
2018-12-31T05:44:40.830Z        info    sqlstore/supplier.go:207        Pinging SQL master database
2018-12-31T05:44:41.287Z        info    commands/server.go:82   Current version is 5.6.0 (5.6.2/Sat Dec 22 14:58:39 UTC 2018/3aed6efc6bb5a67fdb8237aac38d46fab3266e8d/2c2d33b22b4c2938938eade4b9914748c1be9d3b)
2018-12-31T05:44:41.287Z        info    commands/server.go:83   Enterprise Enabled: true
2018-12-31T05:44:41.287Z        info    commands/server.go:84   Current working directory is /home/admin/mattermost
2018-12-31T05:44:41.287Z        info    commands/server.go:85   Loaded config file from /home/admin/mattermost/config/config.json
2018-12-31T05:44:41.287Z        info    filesstore/localstore.go:33     Able to write files to local storage.
2018-12-31T05:44:41.288Z        info    app/license.go:44       License key from https://mattermost.com required to unlock enterprise features.
2018-12-31T05:44:41.289Z        info    app/plugin.go:130       Starting up plugins
2018-12-31T05:44:42.116Z        info    app/server.go:168       Starting Server...
2018-12-31T05:44:42.116Z        info    app/server.go:228       Server is listening on [::]:8065
2018-12-31T05:44:42.124Z        info    app/web_hub.go:75       Starting 4 websocket hubs
2018-12-31T05:44:42.131Z        info    sqlstore/post_store.go:1286     Post.Message supports at most 16383 characters (65535 bytes)
2018-12-31T05:44:42.166Z        info    jobs/workers.go:68      Starting workers
2018-12-31T05:44:42.166Z        info    jobs/schedulers.go:72   Starting schedulers.

But it just stays there and nothing happens.


After enabling DB log as well, i can see lots of queries running after starting scheduler… and then it seems mattermost is working now. will check again later when it stops working

Server started but app not connecting and no logs

Bulk Data Loading - User Team Membership Theme


I have a question regarding the bulk data loading. on the documentation for 5.6.2 it states that the theme can be set with a hex color code in JSON format. But the documentation contradicts itself regarding the type of data that can be for the key “theme” in the UserTeamMembership object. I was wondering is the documentation close to correct for the format of the value. should it be a string that includes JSON like


Or should it be an object?


Or does it reference a theme name?

Thanks in advance for the help.

Documentation is here: https://docs.mattermost.com/deployment/bulk-loading.html#fields-of-the-userteammembership-object

More info, This is the example User object

HipChat Importation


I think I may have ran into a similar issue that you are having while testing a MatterMost install for our team. The issue with us is that in the .jsonl file, HipMost was interpreting the exported HipChat channel as a “direct_post”, which to MatterMost, is a direct message. This seems to happen with private rooms converted using HipMost from HipChat exports.

The fix was to change the .jsonl file and substitute the “direct_post” to just “post” and remove the “channel_members” object. This seems to be working our development setup. I implemented the fix outside of HipMost using a Python script, which I unfortunately am probably not able to share due to some legalese that I had signed prior to employment at my company. However, I suspect that such a substitution can be made into HipMost, by someone with the appropriate ruby programming experience, or just a straight bash script using sed.

How to deploy mattermost with digitalOcean.?


I have used Digital Ocean in a personal, not professional, capacity, and there shouldn’t be too much of an issue running MatterMost in a DO VPS instance using the documentation at https://docs.mattermost.com/guides/administrator.html#installing-mattermost . In the professional dev setup of Mattermost that is still under testing by our group, Mattermost runs fine using 4GB of RAM and 1 CPU core for about 30 users and fairly light usage; as long as you don’t have a lot of users, and not a whole lot of chats, the most basic Digital Ocean droplet should be suitable, at least for testing, and should be able to installed using the installation instructions already provided by MatterMost above.

Server hangs while shutting down


Hi, @gubbins

Before diving deeper into this issue, can you please go through the Mattermost Is Not Working / The Server Keeps Dying and provide the output of the following commands when the issue occurs?

sudo systemctl status mattermost.service

sudo journalctl -u mattermost.service

Additionally, is the behavior constantly reproducible whenever you shut down the server using systemd? Any recent changes performed on the system prior to the observation?

Server started but app not connecting and no logs


My server is stopped again now :slight_smile: here is the log file http://aalasolutions.com/mattermost.log I restarted mattermost again, and it keeps printing following things in output

sql-trace:07:14:45.266386 SELECT
                            Status = ?
                    ORDER BY
                            CreateAt ASC [1:"pending"] (642.541µs)
2019-01-01T07:14:59.060Z        debug   app/email_batching.go:110       Email batching job ran. 0 user(s) still have notifications pending.
sql-trace:07:15:00.267361 SELECT
                            Status = ?
                    ORDER BY
                            CreateAt ASC [1:"pending"] (621.455µs)
sql-trace:07:15:15.268345 SELECT
                            Status = ?
                    ORDER BY
                            CreateAt ASC [1:"pending"] (660.828µs)
2019-01-01T07:15:29.060Z        debug   app/email_batching.go:110       Email batching job ran. 0 user(s) still have notifications pending.
sql-trace:07:15:30.269230 SELECT
                            Status = ?
                    ORDER BY
                            CreateAt ASC [1:"pending"] (517.68µs)
sql-trace:07:15:45.270106 SELECT
                            Status = ?
                    ORDER BY
                            CreateAt ASC [1:"pending"] (551.333µs)
2019-01-01T07:15:59.060Z        debug   app/email_batching.go:110       Email batching job ran. 0 user(s) still have notifications pending.
sql-trace:07:16:00.270984 SELECT
                            Status = ?
                    ORDER BY
                            CreateAt ASC [1:"pending"] (543.703µs)

If I do curl localhost:8065 I see We're having trouble connecting to Mattermost

Server started but app not connecting and no logs

System console not appearing for admin user


I had exactly the same issue. I ran Mattermost 3.9.1 on a Bitnami stack on a private cloud (not AWS) and just upgraded to 5.6.2.

I cannot reach the system console from the admin account. When I try to assign again the admin role to the admin account, it generates exactly the same messages.

To be noted as well, I get a websocket error (" Please check connection, Mattermost unreachable. If issue persists, ask administrator to [check WebSocket port"). All my attempts to adapt the config files according to the Mattermost (and less voluminous Bitnami) guidance did not solve it.

Any help would be most welcome. I must solve this issue in 36hours or I will have to revert to my previous Mattermost version. If you had any clue on this, I would be more than grateful.

Thanks !

Server hangs while shutting down


Hey @adanial,

I think I’ve already covered everything:

  • Startup and normal server operation are fine. systemctl status mattermost is all normal:
● mattermost.service - Mattermost
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/mattermost.service; enabled; vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: active (running) since Wed 2019-01-02 09:07:24 AEDT; 4s ago
 Main PID: 60883 (mattermost)
   CGroup: /system.slice/mattermost.service
           └─60883 /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost

Jan 02 09:07:24 <server> systemd[1]: Started Mattermost.
Jan 02 09:07:24 <server> systemd[1]: Starting Mattermost...
  • The issue only occurs when I try to stop the server with systemctl stop mattermost (or restart).
  • Content from journalctl and mattermost log is in my original post.
  • Yes this is reproducible every time I shut down with systemd. However the problem does not occur on our test server.
  • The only recent change I’m aware of was to upgrade mattermost.


Server hangs while shutting down


Hi, @gubbins

Thank you for the clarification. Since you mentioned that the issue does not occur on the test server, that will be a good point of comparison.

  • With reference to that, can you compare the /lib/systemd/system/mattermost.service between the servers?
  • Is the test server running on the same environment too (CentOS 7)?
  • Any chance of having the current /etc/systemd/system/mattermost.service removed and setup a fresh one again before reloading the systemd services again?

If the two servers are running similar version of Mattermost, I would put aside the possibility of upgrade contributing to the issue for now. I can’t find specific information through the error show on journalctl that I can make sense of so far. So, I am trying to trim down what the possibilities are.

Server hangs while shutting down



  • mattermost.service is identical
  • test server is also CentOS 7

I’m not sure what you mean about removing and replacing mattermost.service. What would I replace it with? I’m going to need to set it up the same surely…?

Here is the content (nothing special). Note that I added TimeoutStopSec after this issue started occurring because I needed to avoid the 90-second downtime while restarting.

After=syslog.target network.target

ExecStart=/bin/bash -lc /opt/mattermost/bin/mattermost


Bulk Data Loading - User Team Membership Theme


Thanks @firestar for the question! The sample given in the example user object should be correct.


So the theme can be supplied in the following format

  "type": "user",
  "user": {
    "teams": [
        "name": "team-name",
        "theme": [

The names awayIndicator and others are specified in our theme documentation here with a few custom theme examples here.

Let me know if I can help clarify anything :slight_smile:

System console not appearing for admin user

[SOLVED] Server started but app not connecting and no logs


I have reached the bottom of the issue. Issue is not with the reboots, and mattermost it self is working fine. I figured out that as soon as I logged in to Hosting Control Panel, my mattermost started working. It looks like my hosting panel is blocking direct access from app to the port.

I checked the firewall settings and I saw that my IP is in temporary allowed for 24 hours section. So after 24 hours it will stop working again.

Going to post this on hosting panel issue now…

JIRA Plugin "not configured"


HI, now i get an error with “invalid character ‘’’ looking for beginning of value” which seams to be related to the “data” parameter: --data ‘{“event”:“create”}’, seems to be windows related, in ubuntu it works.
But testing it with jira, no message is posted.

System console not appearing for admin user


Hi @jasonblais, thank you. Yes I have already looked at this page and the related links.
The Bitnami install includes already the SSL code. The only changes I made is in

  • location ~ /api/v[0-9]+/(users/)?websocket$ which solved some of the mistakes (the previous MM was on API v3). Looking at the mattermost.log, it seems however that there is somewhere
  • I assigned “*” to “AllowCorsFrom”.
  • And for proxy_set_header Host $host;, it is in the mattermost.conf file proxy_set_header Host $http_host;

In general, I have been browsing the Mattermost and Bitnami forum for the issue on the system console and on the websocket (which may be linked somehow?). There are posts but nothing is working.

in the mattermost.log file, the error level messages are:

  • Failed to start up plugins* ",“error”:“mkdir ./plugins: permission denied”} I don’t know here which permissions to assign (I already assigned chown to mattermost for server)
  • websocket connect err: websocket: the client is not using the websocket protocol: ‘upgrade’ token not found in ‘Connection’ header"
  • Failed to upgrade websocket connection
  • Invalid or missing channel_id parameter in request URL

Did you have any other hint?

Override username and icon_url using posts request REST API


Thank you, yes - then i will use webhook for my needs.

New messages do not appear until refresh



New messages in the currently watched channel or private message do not appear unless a) manual refresh b) channel switch c) wait for some minutes.
Other topics with similar issues did not provide a solution to this issue.

Steps to reproduce

Watch a channel. Let someone post a message into that channel. You can also try it with private messages, the issue is the same.

Expected behavior

The new message appears without delay.

Observed behavior

The new message does appear only after a manual refresh, after waiting a real long time (several minutes) or typing a message yourself (I guess this triggers a refresh). Logs (put on debug level) do not show anything related or otherwise noteworthy. Browser network console shows a successful websocket GET request with 101 return code and no errors. Push notifications work as desired.
Tested on current Firefox, Desktop App and iOS mobile app, all showing the same behaviour. The issue first appeared after upgrading to 5.0 and persisted through all updates until 5.6 which we are using now.

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