Hi there,
I am considering installing Mattermost (which looks great, by the way) onto our cPanel server, which is running on CentOS 5.11.
Is this possible? If so, what instructions should I be following - there are too many different sets of installation instructions and I don't really know which one would apply to our situation.
I also can't find a requirements list for Mattermost. The website indicates that either MySQL or Postgres are required (though I didn't find any version info) but that appears to be the only requirement - is that correct, or are there other dependencies that are needed? Does it interact with Apache at all, or does it serve its content directly?
Finally, once installed to our server, what would the URL look like? Assume our domain was example.com, we would either want it to appear at https://chat.example.com/ or at https://example.com/chat. Is that possible, or does a port number need to be specified?
Kind regards,
- Mark